James and Henrietta – Cattle
Category: Farmers
James and Henrietta bought Stream Farm in 2002 – since then they have established all the small businesses on the farm. James manages our herd of Organic Pedigree Dexters which started with only 25 animals, and has since grown to 150. As his herd has developed to a sustainable size, James has been able to sell a number of live animals, many of whom have been returning to their country of origin: Ireland. James brings his cattle into the barns in the early winter, when the fields become too wet underfoot. Here they eat our own haylage (grass cut from our fields). When spring comes they are back out into our organic pasture. The herd is headed up by two bulls – King David I and Knightsway James. We also have to mention Henrietta, who is perhaps best described as the glue that keeps the farm together. She is often to be found feeding the pigs, preparing our farmers’ lunch on a Monday, or giving advice to our customers on how to get the best out of their cuts of meat.